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Baked Cauliflower

 Baked cauliflower, onion, bacon Ingredients : - 1 cauliflower head - 1 large onion -3 slices of bacon -1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast - sour cream ( about 1 1/2 cup) - 1 cup of chicken broth Cauliflower: after separating the fleurets, boil them in salted water for about 15 minutes. Drain and reserve on the side. Sauce: cut the onion and put it in the pan with some butter and the sliced bacon, cook until brown then add the chicken broth, the yeast and one tablespoon of coconut flour ( because of my gluten intolerance, but you can use regular flour ) and the sour cream. Keep on medium heat until blended and creamy. Put the cauliflower in a pan, pour the sauce on top, add some shredded mozzarella and put in the oven at 400 F. for about 20 minutes.  Enjoy :) 

Sad Cheesecakes Alert

Yesterday I tried to bake. My culinary skills are pretty average, and my baking ones are not any better ...... but I'm working on them! So I decided to try to make some easy cheesecakes. I stuck to low carb/gluten-free as they are my lifesavers in terms of health ( no migraine is way better than a few cookies !!). Recipe: easy :  -  450 grams of cream cheese  - 2 eggs  - half a cup of sweetener ( sugar, or any sugar substitute)  - 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Combine all the ingredients, pour in ramequins, and put in the preheated oven: 350 F. for about half an hour. So ....... result: they raised over the top of the ramequins ..... looking pretty awesome if it were a scientific experiment. My son found them beautiful and very cool ( sigh !! ) As they started to cool off, they disappeared inside the ramequins!  Taste-wise: to sweets for my taste, but again, I'm not a big sugar fan. Next time I'll try with about 1/3 less sugar. Those were the saddest cheesecake ever !! ---