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Showing posts from September, 2022

Sous-Vide chuck roast beef

 I buy my meat straight at the farm, and I like knowing how it was fed and where it comes from. Last year, I bought a cow that was exclusively grass-fed. If the meat was lean and tasty, it definitely lacked fat. I cooked it, and we ate it, but more than once I was disappointed with the result.  It was chewy, very chewy ..... I asked on some forums what my solution could be to avoid this fact, and one person came up with the idea of trying sous-vide cooking. I ordered a water circulating device, took a large plastic container, and gave it a try. I must say that I was not disappointed, and I decided to explore that method of cooking a little more. We finished that cow, ate it all .... and I went to another farm to buy half a cow that was grass-fed BUT grain-finished.  Today I tried to make a chuck roast, using the sous-vide technique and finishing it in the oven.  That was a success !!  Steps :  I used a frozen roast. Put it (still frozen) in a bag ( a ziplock bag works fine, I actually